About us

About us

We provide full-time and session based childcare Monday-Friday during school terms for 2 - 3+ year olds and we accept applications for funded and non-funded children.
Our fees are currently £5.00 per hour for 3+ year olds to whom we offer additional hours and £5.50 per hour for  2 year olds who don't qualify for funding.    
We're a registered UK charity (number 1068848) and we're regulated by Ofsted (registration EY542760).  
We're a Committee-led organisation; our management Committee is made up by volunteers from our parents and some staff members. Our governance model is our Constitution which was formally adopted in November 2018 at our last AGM.
We're always looking for volunteers to help out with the Committee and with our fund-raising activities throughout the year.

Why Choose Us?

Starting at a pre-school  for the first time  can be a bit bewildering for both children and parents and we understand that you might have all sorts of questions and concerns. We are here to help your child  (and you!)  settle in happily and securely.  We will support you in whatever way works best to achieve this. We recognise that each child is an individual, unique and distinct from all others and that you as parents/carers possess unique insights and knowledge that can help your child's development.

We want you and your child to feel welcome, safe, supported, happy and well-cared for. 

We want to give your child the best start to their learning journey so that they leave us confident, ready and able to learn in the classroom.

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