Week 5 - Resources for home learning

Home learning resources May 2020

Week 5:
 This week we're focusing on your child’s understanding of the world

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Familiar faces (2-3 years old)

You will need either:
Photographs of family/friends
Your phone to create an album of photographs of family members and friends

Collect any photographs that you have around the house of people that are special to your child. 

If you don't have many photographs, you can create an album on your phone using  photos that you have on it.

Once these are ready, sit with your child go through each photograph. See if they can say who the person is - if your child needs help, you can support them by saying their name  something about that person that relates to your child, eg., 'that's your cousin Thomas, you like to play with your cars with him'.

Bug hunt (3-4 years old)

You will need:
A pen
A piece of paper

Create a tally chart with some common insects that can be found in the garden or whilst out doing your daily exercise (eg., fly, ant, bee and butterfly). 

Explain to your child that you are going to explore your chosen area to see if you can find any of your listed insects. Talk to them about where they think the bugs might be found.

Each time you find one of your insects, get your child to create a mark on the tally chart.

Once you have finished your hunt, ask your child to count their marks on the chart to see how many of each insect they have found.

Other activities you can enjoy with your children to support their understanding of the world

Allow them to explore different types of technology, such as helping them to turn the TV channel over using the remote control or show them how to take a photo on your phone 

Talk to your child about special times or memories that you have shared together.   Encourage your child to join in with the conversation - eg., 'can you remember when we went to the seaside? can you remember what we did there?'

Engage in some role play with your child which focuses on different occupations eg., firefighter, vet, shop keeper, nurse, teacher and so on. Speak to your child about the different things that the people with these jobs do. 

Some links for you and the children to enjoy:

Story of the week: 'What the Ladybird heard ' by Julia Donaldson

Songs of the week: '5 little speckled frogs'  and Barefoot Books 'The more we get together'

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